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Monthly horoscope AriesMarch 21 - April 19

Monthly horoscope Aries April 2024

In terms of your career, this month you may have more doubts about your position, colleagues and whether the work really suits you and meets your wishes for the future. By continuing to challenge yourself, you know that you will overcome many obstacles within yourself. When you feel like things are going against you, look at how far you've come. You feel insecure in love because you don't really dare to take the lead yourself. Show yourself without shame, and clearly communicate your expectations. Only in this way can someone else learn to understand you and fulfill your desires. By nurturing and valuing balanced relationships, you create a nice atmosphere between you and your loved one.
Read the weekly horoscope of Aries

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Characteristics of an Aries

Aries – Good and bad traits of the zodiac sign
The ram has a strong will. Aries will certainly show whether he or she agrees or not. An Aries is also positive and a born leader, confident and charismatic. Aries has enormous perseverance but can also be very stubborn. Aries can react impulsively to emotions or situations. Aries is open-hearted but can also be more emotionally distant. The Aries has difficulty communicating his or her feelings. Read more about the characteristics aries

What is the Aries zodiac sign?

Aries is the sign of fire. Aries is a Head/Fire sign. Main life theme for Aries: renewal and inspiration. The contrast between idealism (fire) and realism (earth).

Aries horoscope in love

Aries is looking for an honest and reliable monogamous relationship. Someone who can deal with his or her temperament in a calm manner. An Aries fights for the one he or she loves and expects his or her partner to do the same. Aries do want to predominate in love and would like to be in the first place. Aries can be emotionally distant at times, making them seem unloving or interested. Aries is sincere when it comes to love and they won't cheat you easily..

The Perfect Zodiac Signs Match for Aries

Gemini, Leo, Libra and Scorpio are the best love match for an Aries. The match with a Leo will mainly bring out the positive qualities in both Aries and Leo. With Scorpio, jealousy can play a role in their relationship, and with Gemini it is pure attraction that never leads to boredom. Libra and Aries are attracted to each other, but Libra will have to keep up with Aries for a successful relationship.


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