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monthly horoscope taurus April 20 - May 20

Monthly Horoscope Taurus April 2024

This month you have more difficulty expressing yourself. When you feel like you must constantly give up pleasing someone else, it's time to guard your boundaries more. In love you will have to make yourself loved by opening yourself up more. If you want to connect more, take charge, and take the first step. By having a good conversation and showing your vulnerable side, you will be able to establish a connection that meets your wishes more quickly. In the financial field, you can worry more about whether your expenses and your income are in balance. By focusing on positive intentions and acting, you can overcome most difficulties.

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Characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus

The zodiac sign Taurus is very patient. They have patience for emotional matters, and are very gentle. A Taurus strives for honesty and is very reliable. Taurus are attentive and very stable. They also benefit from structure. Taurus do have trouble with sudden changes.

What is Taurus zodiac sign?

Taurus belongs to the fixed signs and is associated with the element Earth. In astrology, it is considered a feminine, introverted sign. The traditional ruler of the sign is Venus.

Taurus horoscope in love

Taurus zodiac sign is loving and serious in love. They are looking for safety and security. They like to be in long-term relationships. The zodiac sign Taurus is insecure in a relationship because they are afraid of getting hurt. They will do anything to make a friendship or relationship work. A Taurus's desire for security and safety can turn into pure jealousy

The Perfect Zodiac Signs Match for Taurus

Zodiac signs Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Libra and Scorpio are the best match for a Taurus. Virgo is a safe haven for Taurus. And Capricorn and Taurus both want a stable relationship. Pisces can empathize well with Taurus' emotions, and that makes Taurus feel heard. A Libra brings balance to the life of Taurus. A Scorpio and Taurus have an instant connection and attraction towards each other.


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