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» Meaning of crystals » Amethyst

Amethyst brings relief
An Amethyst crystal provides lighting and healing in traumas and loss. When you go through difficult times, an Amethyst can support you to let the positive energy flow better. In addition, an Amethyst crystal increases your awareness and your spiritual connection with everything around you. An Amethyst works purifying, healing and protective. You can put an amethyst in your home for cleaning your home and protecting your home.

Amethyst meaning

meaning crystal amethyst
An amethyst crystal has a loving and cleansing effect. It ensures that your crown chakra is activated, making you more open to the messages of the universe. By wearing an amethyst crystal you protect yourself against negative external influences. An amethyst has a positive effect on your thinking and is motivating for inner peace. If you are looking for more balance between thinking and feeling, an amethyst is an excellent choice. An amethyst can help you break old patterns and habits, creating space for new and healthier patterns!
The meaning of an amethyst are:
  • Cleaning
  • Protection
  • Increase awareness
  • Balance in thinking and feeling
  • Break bad patterns
  • Create more inner peace

Cleanse amethyst crystal

When you want to cleanse an amethyst crystal, there are different ways to discharge your crystal from the absorbed energy. During a full moon you can place the amethyst near the window, so that it can charge. The full moon has a cleansing and activating energy that allows crystals to discharge and recharge. You can also place your amethyst crystal in a glass of water by the window. In addition, you can run cold water on your amethyst crystal when there is no full moon, this way you can also clean and recharge your crystal. 

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Thinking becomes more conscious

By placing or wearing an amethyst crystal at home you increase your thinking ability. More inner peace is created by an amethyst. When you are stuck in old patterns, and suffer from traumas or previous negative experiences, an amethyst can offer a contribution. An amethyst ensures that you can create balance between thinking and feeling, so that you can make balanced and more positive choices.

Amethyst combined with other crystals

You can combine several crystals, although we recommend not to wear too many at the same time so that the effect can be optimal. Crystals can reinforce each other, but also counteract because crystals have different effects. If you want to combine an amethyst with another type of crystal, it is best to do this alternately. For example, wear an amethyst for 1 week and another crystal for the next week!

Manifest with an amethyst crystal

When you want to manifest different goals in your life, a crystal can contribute to this. You now know that an amethyst promotes positive thinking and provides protection. You can wear an amethyst on your skin for the best effect, especially when you suffer from trauma and energy healing is a goal. To manifest with an amethyst crystal you can do the following:
  1. Write down your goals and track progress monthly
  2. Write down how you feel and see how the development is
  3. Meditate and try to get to the true core
  4. Ask the universe for a message or an affirmation

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