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» Meaning of crystals » Agate

Agate ensures logical thinking
When you attract an agate crystal you benefit from rational thinking. An agate crystal brings balance to your thinking. In addition, the agate crystal has a healing and protective effect on your aura. It ensures that negative influences are warded off. When you are pregnant this is a crystal to carry with you for the connection. It stimulates growth and protects your uterus! The crystal also has a positive effect on your intestines!

Agate effect

meaning of crystal agate
An agate crystal has a positive effect on your mood and ensures that you make choices based on positive thoughts. You can give an agate as a gift to a pregnant mother out of the thoughts of protection. An agate ensures that your aura is protected so that you do not absorb too much negative energy or hard energy from your environment. When you work a lot with people, and logical thinking is desired, an agate crystal can support you in this.
The meaning of an agate is:
  • Protection of the aura
  • rational thinking
  • Positive effect on intestinal system
  • Pregnancy protective energy

Cleanse agate crystal

When you want to clean an agate crystal there are many ways to do this, but one of the most common ways to cleanse crystal is during a full moon. For this you can place your agate crystal in a glass with water in front of the window during the full moon. The full moon carries a strong energy that allows the crystals to discharge and recharge. If there is no full moon, and you still want to clean your crystal, you can also do this with running water. Or finally put it in a bowl of water. The crystal is then charged again after a few hours, and ready to carry with you. 

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Agate provides calmness and right choices

By carrying an agate crystal with you, you can take a natural lead over your own choices. The crystal agate has a positive effect on thinking, creating more self-confidence. If you have difficulty with assertiveness, agate is a crystal that can support you in this. When protecting your aura, an agate crystal can have a stimulating effect. Then wear the crystal around your neck so that it has the best effect.

Agate combined with other crystals

You can combine several crystals, although we recommend not to carry too many at once. This can cause the workings of the crystals to work against each other, so that less effect is noticeable. If you still need different crystals, it is good to wear them alternately.

Manifest with an agate crystal

When you want to manifest different goals, a crystal can contribute to this. You now know that an agate crystal protects and cleanses your aura. In addition, an agate crystal has a positive influence on your thinking ability and ensures rational decisions. This way you can be focused on your goals and wishes. If you want to manifest with an agate crystal you can do this by using the following:
  1. Write down your goals and track progress monthly
  2. Write down how you feel and see how the development is
  3. Meditate and try to get to the true essence
  4. Ask the universe for a message or an affirmation

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