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» Meaning of crystals

Crystals have a strong effect on our mental well-being. They affect the energy that flows through our body. You can use crystals to manifest certain wishes, but you can also use them to create protection in your energy to ward off negative influences. Crystals have been used for centuries to amplify energy and thereby attract prosperity. You can wear crystals, put them under your pillow or place them somewhere in the house. There are different crystals that have a different effect. So when you have a certain goal in mind, it is good to know which crystal has which meaning.


Crystals for prosperity

Prosperity crystals have always been popular. Certain crystals that bring prosperity in your life, in your home, or in your relationship are: Aventurine and Selenite. These stones have a positive effect on the energy of prosperity, and will help you manifest dreams. However, it is not the case that when you buy a crystal, you no longer have to do anything about your own dreams. The energy you put into yourself and your dreams always remains important. The crystals are used to strengthen or improve this energy. 

Fluorite: A fluorite crystal brings more balance to your life. For example, they help well with a mental illness. Fluorite is a stone that contributes to the balance of the mental / physical. Fluorite is a crystal that helps you to stay focused.
Citrine: The crystal has a positive effect on your self-confidence and self-love. In addition, a citrine crystal has a positive effect on anxious feelings or depression. The crystal attracts positive energy, and we also call it the lucky stone. Citrine also encourages you to share your wealth with others.
Kunzite: Has a strong effect on your own opinion. Kunzite helps you to love yourself and appreciate yourself as you are. The stone contributes to reducing anxiety, such as during an exam. Kunzite helps you to relax and to look realistic.
Tiger Eye: A tiger eye crystal is a protective stone. The crystal enhances insight and intuition. The crystal has a positive effect on self-confidence and stimulates action. Tiger's eye stands for increasing your spiritual gifts and learning to trust them.
Jade: A stone that helps to realize your wishes and desires. Jade is a stone that has a cleansing effect on our system.
Agate: This is a crystal that helps clear your aura and stimulates logical thinking. Agate is known for its healing and cleansing effect.
Rose quartz: The rose quartz is the stone of love, to receive or attract love. But the rose quartz also represents the connection with the universe, and has a healing effect on traumas. It has a positive effect on your self-confidence and self-love.

How crystals work

Crystals can contribute to your wishes, needs and desires. Crystals are often also given as a gift to someone dear to you. The effect of crystals varies, but you will often find crystals that have one or more of the following effects:
  • Mental health promotion
  • Attract luck and prosperity
  • Energy protection
  • Manifesting dreams
  • Stimulate fertility
  • Calming in tension
  • Reduction of depressive symptoms
  • Reduce/improve physical discomfort

The choice is huge

The choice of crystals is large. Around the world there are about 5000 different crystals, each with a unique effect. However, they are not available everywhere. We know about 30 crystals you can buy. So how do you actually choose a crystal? It is very important when choosing crystals that you initially let your intuition guide you. Which crystal attracts you the most? Often there is already a (un)conscious interest in this for your mind and body. By learning the meanings of crystals you know what you unconsciously or consciously need.

Crystals and colors

meaning of crystals
Crystals usually have a color, but not always. The color of the crystal can attract or repel you. Colors also have an effect on our mood. When you attract the color green like an Aventurine, you may need balance and tranquility in addition to prosperity. The color red stands for passion and love. Blue represents the connection with the universe. And purple will strengthen your intuition.

Do I have to place crystals in a certain way?

When you want to buy a crystal to manifest a goal, it is important to choose whether you want to wear the crystal or put it somewhere. Different ways to wear a crystal are through a chain or through a key ring. In addition, there are various crystal rings, crystal bracelets, and even crystal earrings! You can also choose to give a crystal a place in your home. Once you know the purpose and have chosen your crystal, you are free to place your crystal wherever you feel is right.

Do I have to clean a crystal?

Crystals absorb energy. We clean that energy that goes into the stone by means of water and the Full Moon. The moon has a strong effect on crystals. You can place your crystals in front of the window during a full moon, or place them in a glass of water in front of the window. In this way you cleanse the crystals of absorbed energy and wear them the next day.

Meaning of other crystals


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