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monthly horoscope pisces February 19 - March 20

Monthly Horoscope Pisces April 2024

Things are going smoother than you thought for the next month. You are in for a windfall in the field of work, which will re-motivate you. If you have already begun to doubt yourself, this month you will again have the courage to carry out your plans. Still, you'll have to watch out for overconfidence. Don't be reckless with big decisions. In love you discover passion again, which makes you feel as if you have found each other again in a new, spontaneous form. For a single it is a month in which you can expect a lot of flirting, and if you dare to expose yourself, there is even a chance for a relationship.

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Characteristics of a Pisces

The zodiac sign Pisces is very sensitive and intuitive. Pisces are very good at empathizing with others and their emotions. They are keenly aware of the mood of others. Pisces can appear dreamy to others, and they have a vivid imagination.

What is the Pisces zodiac sign?

Pisces belongs to the water signs. The main sign is water. Important themes are: Spirituality and creativity

The Pisces in Love

Pisces are very romantic and like to give away everything they have. They are very generous and can shower you with romantic gifts. A relationship with the zodiac sign Pisces gives a nice and warm feeling, a feeling of coming home and honesty and loyalty are number one. Pisces can be very insecure in the beginning of the relationship.

The Perfect Zodiac Signs Match for Pisces

The zodiac signs, Scorpio, Capricorn and Cancer are a good match for Pisces. Scorpio can make Pisces a little sharper and more sure of his/her business. While Capricorn and Pisces have a nice chemistry. Cancer is also sensitive which makes Pisces and Cancer aligned when you look at their emotional need.


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